Dylan Jenkins
Communications and Marketing Manager
Dylan Jenkins has over 10 years of experience working in music, media, and the arts. In previous roles with BBC Music, PYST, National Museum Wales, and as a freelancer, he has consistently demonstrated his passion for creativity, diversity, and innovation.
Dylan is dedicated to ensuring that people in Wales have the best opportunities to be creative and firmly believes in the positive impact that involvement in the arts can have on people’s health and well-being, on communities, and on wider social change.
As a first-language Welsh speaker, he is enthusiastic about ensuring that the Welsh language is equally represented and respected, and while his role at MTW is part-time, he will continue his freelance work in the music and radio world.
Dylan will bring a unique blend of creativity, expertise, and his broad interests to every project, with the aim of leaving an indelible mark on the arts and cultural landscape in Wales.