Arts Council of Wales Investment Review funding
We are happy to have received multi-year support from Arts Council of Wales to enable us to continue our mission to re-imagine opera as a more widely available and expressive form of storytelling in music for all. We very much look forward to working in partnership with a range of different organisations and in collaboration with artists new to opera making, including young people, neurodivergent and learning-disabled young people, global majority artists and communities around Wales, all of whom will inform our future work.
We were pleased the arts council cited MTW as having shown strong transformational change as an organisation and we are committed to continue this journey moving forward, centering inclusion and engagement at the heart of our work. As a creative organisation we are focussed on finding new ways to make and present work that will break down the barriers that exist around opera, nurturing talent and ideas, engaging with the world around us and sharing stories with more people in fresh and exciting ways.
Whilst we review our plans for the coming years to take into account standstill funding, we are fully aware there are many organisations and individuals facing far greater challenges resulting from these decisions. We are thinking of all our colleagues at this time.